#71 Bree Taylor

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Bree Taylor is a singer songwriter from Toronto, Canada. She had a really in depth chat with Rae Leigh about; art, female empowerment, self love, bullying in school and the power of self compassion. These two songwriters have such similar stories and we get to view all the different opinions around being a female artist in the music industry and what is expected verses what is good for our humanity and mental health.

This country pop singer-songwriter is a force to be reckoned with. She is known for powerful, honest lyrics and dynamic melodies that express a range of emotions that everyone can relate to.

Being authentic in love and sharing a message of self love and compassion comes through in her music, featured in this podcast are her songs:

  1. Drive - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9bwLSNRWIc

  2. Burning Bridges - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEMFn7nSKFc

  3. Cry - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNjGpkvOclY

Trigger warning with this podcast as we talk about bullying, body image, depression and abuse and how this had impacted mental health and art.

Connect with Bree:


#72 Bill Whyte


#70 James Blundell